Apr 30, 2013


When I came to Atlanta for the first time, I was really surprised that there were a lot of squirrels everywhere. Around my house, school, street,,, everywhere.
It's like the number of squirrels are more than that of dogs and cats.

Grey squirrel
photo from here
I told this to my English teacher. She taught me that grey Squirrels were common, but we seldom found chipmunks.
photo from here
Last year I tried to find chipmunks on the way to school, but I couldn't.

Now it is warm outside, so lots of squirrels are enjoying this nice weather. 
I also go for walk to enjoy this season.
Fortunately, I saw chipmunks yesterday and today.
I couldn't see it for a long time since they ran away very quickly,
but I got so excited. Compared with grey squirrel, chipmunk is small.

Anyway, both animals are so cute. I love them.
(And, I love Chip and Dale)

 I believe these two days are very lucky day. Should I buy lottery?? haha.

Have you ever seen chipmunks??


  1. Dear Now Hurray! I love watching squirrels and am very happy when I catch a glimpse of a playful chipmunk! I think you should go ahead and promise yourself that every time you see a chipmunk, you will buy a lottery ticket! Report back here about your winnings!

    OKey, I'll report here!!

  3. Hi there,
    Hope you're travelling well and 2013 has been good to you so far. Those squirrels are so cute!
    I'm just popping in to let you know about a little #reverb-like blog challenge my friend Meredith and I are offering from August 21 to 31. It's called August Moon and it looks all set to be magic!
    We'd be so excited if you joined us. You can find out more here: http://www.katmcnally.com/p/august-moon-13.html
    Take care,
    Kat xx
